Home > Arts in Motion – Camp

Arts in Motion - Camp

Mar 25 - Mar 28, 2024
Day & Time:
Monday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
125 Preschool
Age Range:
7-11 yrs

Program Description

Join us for a week of full day programs, rich with creativity and fun. Children will be exploring their musical, artistic and active sides. Through the week, participants will be engaged in singing, playing, movement, creating & self-expression via different activities: Group Ukulele, Rhythmic learning, Art Time (hands-on activities making art through various mediums – will be able to take home things they make including instruments) & Drum Time (a fusion of movement, singing, African drumming & Taiko drumming). There is a performance on the last day to showcase all the things they have learnt and done during the camp week between 2-3pm. The fee includes an additional $25 materials fee.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All day camp programs will not be accepting waitlists. Registration is available on a first-come, first-served basis only. Please check back for future openings if the program is full.


Musical Expressions