Home > How to Draw like an Architect

How to Draw like an Architect

Jan 8 - Mar 11, 2024
Day & Time:
Monday 9:15 am to 10:15 am
320 Multipurpose Room
Age Range:
19+ yrs
No Classes on:
Feb 19

Program Description

This program is for enthusiastic students who want to learn correct drawing techniques for architectural subjects and explore tone, texture, line, perspective, proportion, shading, lighting, and colour in their artwork. Bring HB, 2B, 6B pencils and white paper to the first class. Supplies not included. Supplies list available on receipt. 

How to Draw Like an Architect Supply List:

  • Pencils ( HB, 2B, 4B, and 6B )
  • Drawing Board ( At least 12 by 9 inches )
  • Drawing Papers ( White Paper, Non Newsprint )
  • Sketchbook
  • Blenders ( Tortillon or Stumps or Chamois Cloth )
  • Erasers ( Kneaded Eraser & Stick Eraser )
  • Pencil Sharpeners

You may find above materials in art supply stores such as Opus [opusartsupplies.com] ,DeSerres [deserres.ca], michaels [michaels.com] and others.


Mohammad Reza Atashzad
