Home > Pickleball Lessons – Action/Reaction Series for Int. Players

Pickleball Lessons - Action/Reaction Series for Int. Players

Nov 1 - Nov 8, 2024
Day & Time:
Friday 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
360-2 Gymnasium - 2/3
Age Range:
19+ yrs

Program Description

There are always 2 sides to a Pickleball court. Every lesson group is broken up into 2 classes. Class 1 will elaborate on what to do when playing as the antagonist i.e. to perform an action to create a certain outcome. Then, on the following class we deal with the protagonist side of the court; how to combat the last week’s session of in-coming shots to best serve our team.

Session 5: How and when to Lob Vs. Overhead smash and running down the lob. Learn the right time and place to lob your opponents. When you get lobbed do you get the lob or does your partner? And how?


Richard Lee