Home > Pickleball – Mixed Levels Play

Pickleball - Mixed Levels Play

Jan 5 - Mar 30, 2025
Day & Time:
Sunday 9:15 am to 10:45 am
360-2 Gymnasium - 2/3
Age Range:
19+ yrs

Program Description

This game is played by 2 or 4 people on a badminton-sized court. No experience necessary, players of various levels play each week. Participants try to match abilities when possible. Please bring your own paddle and ball. 3 courts available. Register to guarantee a spot. Any registered participant who is not present by 9:20am will have their spot given away for the day. There are 12 registered spots and 4 additional drop-in spots. Drop-in participants can purchase their ticket 30 minutes prior to the session at the Front Desk. Drop-in $5.71.


No Instructor