Home > Pickleball Stage 2 – Fun Round Robin

Pickleball Stage 2 - Fun Round Robin

Jan 17 - Jan 17, 2024
Day & Time:
Wednesday 11:15 am to 1:15 pm
360-2 Gymnasium - 2/3
Age Range:
19+ yrs

Program Description

If you’re looking for a fun & great way to meet new pickleball players at your same skill level, then you’ll love this Pickleball Round Robin! Join us for a fun, “competitive” format where everybody will play one game with and against somebody different (random drawings). Each game will be played and timed for 10 minutes. The number of points you and your partner score will be individually recorded and tallied. After each game, players will redraw and will once again have a different partner and opponent. The person who has the most wins/points at the end of the session will be the “winner”!


Mona Lee