EFK After-School Club – Technology and Coding
From 3D modeling to video game design, these after-school activities will allow your child to develop their problem-solving skills while they learn the basics of programming and computer science. Each week, students are welcomed for open discussion and group activities for the first 30 minutes, followed by a 60 minutes lesson and building time. The […]
Strong and Confident Minds
This program helps children build confidence, self-awareness and compassion through yoga, art, literacy and mindfulness. We will introduce strategies to enhance mental and emotional well being by using simple tools and doing fun activities. Come dressed to move and participate in art activities. Each participant will receive a kit with affirmation cards and other tools […]
Finding your Dream Career
Do you feel like you would like a more fulfilling career? Do you ever feel like you’re not sure what career to go into or the one you are currently does not quite feel aligned or fulfill you the way you want? Join certified coach Katie on a session on how to discover your strengths […]
Finding your Dream Career
Do you feel like you would like a more fulfilling career? Do you ever feel like you’re not sure what career to go into or the one you are currently does not quite feel aligned or fulfill you the way you want? Join certified coach Katie on a session on how to discover your strengths […]
Baby Sign Language
Babies understand and can communicate long before they are able to speak. Research shows that babies who learn Sign Language learn quicker and talk earlier. Using songs and games, learn how to teach your baby basic American Sign Language (ASL) so they can better convey their wants and needs and relieve unnecessary frustration. The instructor […]
Parent Workshop Series: How To Talk To Your Teenage Child
This free workshop series is for parents/caregivers of pre-teens or teens who are interested in learning more about how to better support their child. Each workshop was thoughtfully curated, based on the current trends and social issues your youth may be facing. How to Talk to (and Understand) Your Teenage Child, presented by Youth Connect […]
Peek Into Business – Introduction for Youth
Peek Into Business is a business entrepreneurship camp for youth ages 11-15 to explore how corporations can solve complex issues in the world and community. With the 5-day program, we cover introductory topics such as entrepreneurship, marketing, finance, technology, sustainability, and business ethics. Students will have the chance to pitch their own business ideas, applying […]
STEM Thrivers – Intro for Kids
The STEM Thrivers Program offers the opportunity for children ages 8-11 to explore diverse STEM concepts through combining their passions for science and art. Participants will be able to develop enriched problem-solving, critical thinking, and innovation skills by engaging in our interactive lessons and workshops. Join us weekly to showcase your creativity and experience fun […]
Pre-teen Homework Club (Wed)
Welcome to Pre-teen Homework Club! This is a FREE program for pre-teens ages 9-12 who are looking for a quiet space to work on their homework or school project. High school volunteers will be available to help with various subjects including literacy, math, science, and social studies. Spaces are limited – please register. No session […]
Pre-teen Homework Club (Mon)
Welcome to Pre-teen Homework Club! This is a FREE program for pre-teens ages 9-12 who are looking for a quiet space to work on their homework or school project. High school volunteers will be available to help with various subjects including literacy, math, science, and social studies. Spaces are limited – please register. No session […]